Pictured: Brock with her two daughters.
Nashville, Tenn. (Oct. 25, 2018) – Mothers are resounding with the resource they have found in Darlene Brock’s Raising Great Girls. The feedback has stemmed from the success on Amazon where it topped the chart for “Parenting Girls” and also Darlene’s voice in speaking into the lives of over 10 thousand women in 74 countries (all the way to Israel and even Barbados) through her creation, The Grit & Grace Project.
“Raising Great Girls was a breath of fresh air, but more importantly, I was educated, encouraged and motivated in this all important job of parenting my girls.”
“There are a lot of parenting books out there, but what makes this one unique is it truly feels ‘doable’ and relatable, and not over my non-PhD head!”
“This book is the manual we are all looking for in regards to parenting!”
To add to the reader fun, Darlene is inviting women to share about the book on socials, giving their friends who re-share the post a chance to win a free copy. Readers can find all of the details here.
Raising Great Girls offers readers relatable and manageable advice on the reality of raising daughters while also juggling the impossible equilibrium of life. Brock unpacks how to tackle the different jobs parents juggle: Coach, Creative Counselor, Time Manager, Academic Advocate, Professor of Gender Studies, Relationship Counselor, Sex Ed Teacher, Communications Specialist and more.
RAISING GREAT GIRLS, HELP FOR MOMS To Raise CONFIDENT, CAPABLE Daughters (perfection not required) is available at Amazon. For more information, visit www.DarleneBrock.com.
About Darlene Brock:
Darlene Brock is the co-founder and president of The Grit and Grace Project, author and co-host of This Grit and Grace Life Podcast. It was in the busyness of producing award-winning music videos, managing music groups, promoting concerts and serving as COO of ForeFront Records that Brock raised her two daughters alongside her husband Dan. She understands that motherhood is not just one job, but it is many. As Brock embraced grit and grace to master the challenges in her life, she became inspired to write about raising confident and capable daughters, understanding that perfection was not required. Every element of The Grit and Grace Project which she launched in 2015, including the magazine, podcast and book publishing affiliate, was created to remind women that true beauty is found in a woman’s strength. Brock has been featured on FOX & Friends, Focus on the Family and Family Life Today radio programs, and multiple ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX affiliates. She has been a featured columnist for CNN and written for numerous Family oriented magazines and websites. This unique blend of author, mother, businesswoman, wife and creative producer has shown her that it is indeed true, “life challenges should neither defeat nor define you.”
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Velvet Kelm & Courtney Hyder
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